Opus number: op. 101
Title: The Seasons, A Cantata of Duets
Text: Elizabeth Kirschner (see opus numbers 86, 92, 99, 100, 108 for texts)
Instrumentation: tenor and harp, mezzo-soprano and piano, baritone and harpsichord, and soprano and guitar
Date written: 2010
Length: seventy-five minutes
Program notes: This work consists of five pieces: four sets of duets (Fall, Autumnal Raptures, op. 86; Winter, Exaltations of Snowy Stars, op. 92; Spring, In a Garden of Dreamers, op. 99; and Summer, The Fragrant Pathway of Eternity, op. 100) plus all eight performers on the finale: Echolocations of Cellos, op. 108.
Recording: Larry Bell: In a Garden of Dreamers, Albany Records (1308/09)