Category Archives: Works

Water Music, op. 137

A song cycle for based on poetry by Langston Hughes
dedication: To Phil Lima
instrumentation: baritone voice, double bass, and piano
date of composition: 2016
publisher: Casa Rustica Publications
first performance: January 25, 2017 NEC’s Williams Hall
Philip Lima, Mark Poiniatowski, and Larry Bell

1. Catch
2. April Rain Song
3. Sea Calm
4. Jaime
5. Sea Charm
6. Sailor
7. Long Trip
8. My Loves
9. The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Canons for the Young (2017) Op. 145

Polyphonic teaching pieces for the young.
Dedication: Angel Ramon Rivera
Instrumentation: solo piano
Duration: ca. 15′

1. Canon in C (at the 8ve)
2. Canon in D (at the 4th)
3. Canon in Eb (at the 6th)
4. Canon in E (at the 9th)
5. Canon in F (at the 5th)
6. Canon in G (at the 2nd)
7. Canon in A (at the 3rd)
8 Canon in Bb (at the 7th)
9. Canon in b (little fugue)

(Each canon may be performed separately.)

And Am I Born To Die? (2015) op. 129

Title: And Am I Born To Die”

Instrumentation: SATB choir, a cappella

Dedication: to the choir of First Church Boston

First Performance: April 2015, First Church Boston choir, Larry Bell- conductor

Duration: about 3 minutes

Text: (adapted from Idumea)

And am I born to die?
To lay this bod-y down!
And must my trem-bling spir-it fly
In-to a world un-nown?

A land of deep-est shade, Un-pierced by hu-man thought;
The drea-ry re-gions of the dead,
Where all things are for-got!
Soon as from earth I go,
What will be-come of me?

E-tern-al hap-pi-ness or woe Must then my por-tion be!
Waked by the trum-pet sound,
I from my grave shall rise;
And see the judge with glo-ry crowned,
And see the flam-ing skies!